3 Reasons Your Employees Leave Bitter


When employment ties are cut, an employee may leave bitter or frustrated.  Unhappy former employees can cause a lot of damage on the way out the door and after they are no longer employed.3 Reasons Your Employees Leave Bitter

The latest Employee Branding Study by Career Arc explained the staggering results that 38% of employees that were fired or laid off, posted bad reviews online about their former employers.

The unpleasant and negative feedback that potential job seekers may see online will give them a negative taste for your company.  Plus, these potential candidates tend to change their minds on their application submittals.

As an employer, your goal should be to figure out why the employees leave bitter in the first place.  Knowing the why will help to address the issue and move forward to correct it in the future.

3 Reasons Your Employees Leave Bitter Include:

1)     Did you hear me?

Unhappy employees leave wondering if they were ever really heard.  Be sure that you listen to your staff.  They want to be considered.  Validate your employees with an affirming word, a nod of the head or an email response back.

If they are let go for something they feel like they had already addressed with you (but not felt heard) then they will most certainly feel angry.  Listen well and communicate frequently with your employees.

2)     Don’t leave me hanging!

If you let someone go, be sure to give a reason.  They may not agree with it but at least they aren’t left wondering, analyzing and stewing over it after they leave.  No one likes to be left hanging and that is how it feels to be let go “without cause.”

3)     Why did you string me along?

Employees that are laid off, fired, or quit can act out in frustration online.  Often this gives them an outlet to vent out their anger and hurt.  One surefire way to avoid stringing someone along is to give them ample opportunity to improve.

In other words, terminating an employee should not be out of left field for them.  Be sure to let them know the areas they need to improve upon.  Give them a warning in advance that if the specific behaviors don’t change, then you’ll have to make a change.

Keep your employees informed, really listen to them in an effort to hear their message and don’t leave them hanging.  If you are clearer with them, then they will leave your company more satisfied even if the reason was something unpleasant like a termination. An exit interview is highly suggested.

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