Clients ask about what we offer for “soft skill” training. We love detailing our work in this area as it is foundational to the Parrish Partners’ view on individual and team development. Our bottom line is this: we don’t see anything soft about service and interpersonal skills.
A commonly utilized definition of soft skills might read, “Personal attributes that enable someone to interact effectively and harmoniously with other people.” While harmony and effectiveness are important, this phrase doesn’t have an essential element required for high performing teams: service.
Service skills are those required to serve others while accomplishing one’s personal objectives. We drive home the importance of harmony, effectiveness, coupled with service. Service to colleagues, teams, and Company embraces the expectation that employees will collaborate in the service to others to a higher end. Introducing service into the mix emphasizes the idea of excelling together, in service to one another.
Our four-part service skills curriculum integrates attitudes and emotions, personal accountability, teamwork, and community respect. These four pillars help employees embrace the expectation of respect for each other while accomplishing the seemingly impossible – only by living and working together differently. Diversity, inclusion, equity, and belonging (D, I, E &B) are highly yet differently prized workforce elements. Each employee seeks to become a contributing member of the team but finds they do not possess the necessary skills to participate in your culture effectively. The combined forces of D, I, E &B and service skills training ensure individuals and teams appreciate all of their colleagues while learning to work in a high performing team.
If you’re interested in our service skill training, please let us know how we can assist you.