Emotional Quotient

Engagement and Culture are Top Issues

As the job turnover rate increases, HR departments have to turn their focus to what the core issues are. Employees that are unhappy with their jobs either find a new job or underperform. Either way, it makes for a difficult situation with business owners. For that reason, focusing on engagement

Resolutions you can accomplish by the end of the year!

While it may be the last month of the year, there is still time to knock out a few more resolutions before it is over. Looking back over the year, you may be wondering what you’ve been doing. Take some time to celebrate your accomplishments and set some new goals

Year-End Business Preparation: Setting Goals for the New Year

The New Year is almost upon us. We’re at the timeframe where companies begin to focus on year-end business prep and goal setting for the upcoming year. This time period is crucial to your business and will make a difference on your bottom line, efficiency and even your employee’s morale.

The Cloud is Changing Human Capital Management

Businesses often struggle with workforce operations no matter their size. Incorporating more cloud-based and mobile technologies will help to fine-tune their organization and ease the challenges they face. Companies have the option to customize the technology so that it fits with their culture and HR department. The Benefits of the

The Big Ask

Simply asking more of people helps them to rise up to any occasion. What if you could achieve more for your business just by asking more of your team? People are often flattered when asked to do something different or new. Asking the big and small questions, you will see

3 Reasons Your Employees Leave Bitter

When employment ties are cut, an employee may leave bitter or frustrated.  Unhappy former employees can cause a lot of damage on the way out the door and after they are no longer employed. The latest Employee Branding Study by Career Arc explained the staggering results that 38% of employees

Why New Staff Orientation Is So Important

Hiring on and training new staff is one of the biggest challenges that employers face. These individuals will make the difference between success and failure in your business. Here are the top reasons that staff orientation is so important. Employees Need to Understand Your Values In a new employee orientation,

Getting Clarity of Purpose for Your Business

What does a big win look like for your company today? Do you think that your team could answer the question in a similar way as you? Some may mention the core values or income goals while others wouldn’t be able to recall the company mission statement. What would it

Improve Your Recruiting Processes

Acquiring top talent is difficult and yet so crucial to your business’ success. Technology has advanced the recruitment process and coupled with an element of human interaction, better candidates can be secured. Today, there is an abundance of technological recruiting and assessment options. However, companies are not able to measure